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Question: Make a simulation of a Battle between the Romans that numbers around 250000 and the Celts that numbers around 25000 , and the Celts won the Battle Massacring almost the Entire Roman army , Causing the Celts to march to Rome and besiege the City , a siege that lasted 7 years and the City of Rome had been sacked ,but then out of nowhere a fresh Roman Army of 50000 attacked the City taking the Celts off guard.
The Battle begins with the Celts forming their shield wall, a tactic that allows them to use their spears and swords to great effect. The Romans on the other hand utilize their superior numbers to launch a fierce frontal assault, hoping to overwhelm the Celts with sheer numbers and crush them in one swift strike. The Romain forces advance in waves, launching wave after wave of attacks, but the Celts remain staunchly in their line and hold up their shield wall. Arrows and javelins fly by the Celts, but the Celts stand their ground. After hours of intensive fighting, the Roman forces start to waver and their numbers start to thin out. With the Romans in disarray, the Celts take advantage and launch their own counterattack. The Celts pour forward, slashing and thrusting their way through the weakened Roman lines. The Celts find themselves unopposed and push on until they reach the gates of Rome. The Celts lay siege to Rome and the city is held by a small garrison of Roman troops. The Celts bombard the walls, sending wave after wave of attackers against the walls day and night. The Romans hold out for a few weeks, but with each wave of attackers the Romans grow weaker and more desperate. Finally, after seven long years of siege, the Celts are able to breach the walls of Rome and with a fierce cry, they rush into the city. Everywhere the Celts go, they bring with them death and destruction, pillaging and looting whatever they can find and leaving hissing, burned ruins in their wake. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a fresh Roman army of fifty thousand appears and attacks the city, taking the Celts off guard. The Roman forces, led by their brave commander, press forward in a fierce and determined assault, pushing the Celts out of the city and back to their homes. The Romans fight bravely and, with their superior numbers and strength, they eventually win the day. Rome is saved and the Celts, defeated, retreat back to their lands and never again threaten the city of Rome.
Jan. 6, 2023, 6:56 a.m.
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