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Question: speculate the reaction of the American public through 25 tweets through the following scenario: if there is a video leaked , showing a US soldier saying "But what about the innocent people we will most likely kill ?" ,and then the offiecer shouted saying "WE ARE THE USA! WE ARE THE ROME OF OUR TIME, AND WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE HUMAN RIGHTS AS LONG AS IT STEPS ON OUR WAY!".
1. "What kind of soldier would say something like that?!?! #disgusted #USA" 2. "A soldier should represent the honor and values of the US, not this kind of ignorance and disregard #USA" 3. "That officer's attitude toward human rights is disturbing and unacceptable #noexcuses #USA" 4. "I'm appalled at this video and the attitude towards human rights displayed #shameful #USA" 5. "The US should stand for justice and human rights, not for a dictatorship #shocking #USA" 6. "I can't believe what I'm hearing in the video, this is not the America I know #saddened #USA" 7. "We must work together to make sure the US stands for human rights, not disregard them #unite #USA" 8. "Our troops should be trained to show respect to all human beings #somuchtoremember #USA" 9. "This video is a reminder that the US needs to take a stand against such despicable acts #somuchtodo #USA" 10. "The video is a wake-up call that we need to ensure our soldiers act with integrity and respect #shocking #USA" 11. "The US has to remain committed to the principles of human rights, not be blinded by power #important #USA" 12. "We can not let our soldiers forget the value of human life #neverforget #USA" 13. "As Americans, we must demand that our troops live up to our values and respect human rights #demandit #USA" 14. "It's time for the US to uphold the rights of all human beings, no matter the country #respecthumanrights #USA" 15. "The US should be a leader in upholding human rights - not an abuser #changeisneeded #USA" 16. "This video should serve as a reminder that the US needs to take a stand against such acts of disregard #neveragain #USA" 17. "We need to ensure that our soldiers act with honor, compassion, and respect for the rights of all #renewcommitment #USA" 18. "It's so disappointing to see that a US soldier would say something like this. #shocking #USA" 19. "This video highlights the need to ensure that all US troops adhere to
Jan. 10, 2023, 7:23 a.m.
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