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Question: speculate the reaction of the American public through 25 tweets through the following scenario: if there is a video leaked , showing a US soldier saying "But what about the innocent people we will most likely kill ?" ,and then the offiecer shouted saying "WE ARE THE USA! WE ARE THE ROME OF OUR TIME, AND WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE HUMAN RIGHTS AS LONG AS IT STEPS ON OUR WAY!".
1. "This video is sickening! We need to hold our military accountable and ensure they are respecting human rights #BewareOfTheUSA" 2. "This video is unacceptable. We must make sure that our military is not abusing their power and respect the rules of war." 3. "It’s heartbreaking to see a video like this, showing a US soldier disregarding the safety and rights of innocent people #neverforget" 4. "It's a shame that this video is out there. This isn't the kind of America I want to live in. Treating innocent people unfairly is wrong." 5. "We have to make sure that our military understands that human life is always valued and that human rights must ALWAYS be respected." 6. "This video is a shocking reminder of the human injustice that can occur worldwide. United, we must stand up against this!" 7. "This video shows the danger of unchecked power. Human rights abuses cannot be tolerated by our military or any other armed forces." 8. "This video is a reminder that we must always be vigilant in protecting the rights of all people. We will not stand for violations." 9. "This video is a wake-up call for us to recognize the importance of protecting the rights of innocent civilians during conflicts." 10. "The video showing a US soldier disregarding human rights is shameful. We won't tolerate this kind of behavior in our military." 11. "There is NO justification for violating human rights. We must ensure our military is held accountable and upholds moral values." 12. "This video is a reminder that human rights are not just words, but that they must be upheld and respected in all circumstances." 13. "We can't stand by when our military perpetrates this kind of injustice. We must ensure that human rights are always respected." 14. "The actions in this video are morally reprehensible. We must make sure that our military is held accountable for any wrongdoing." 15. "This video is deeply concerning. We must make sure that our military is following the laws of war and respecting human rights." 16. "What kind of message does this video send? The US must take the lead in defending human rights and protecting innocent lives!" 17. "This video is a stark reminder that human rights must be respected in all circumstances. We must hold our military accountable." 18.
Jan. 10, 2023, 7:23 a.m.
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