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Question: speculate the reaction of the American public through 25 tweets through the following scenario: the US Government tweeted "We are the controlers of the UN , so if we committed a human rights violation ,the UN wouldn't dare mention us".
1. "Oh no! What kind of message does this send to the rest of the world? #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 2. "The US government just admitted to the world that it can commit human rights violations without consequences. This is unacceptable. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 3. "Shameful. This kind of behavior is why so many people don't trust our government. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 4. "How dare the US government think they don't have to follow the rules they set? #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 5. "It is unbelievable that the US government believes themselves to be above the law. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 6. "This is a huge step backwards for the US government. We have to do better. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 7. "This is a direct attack on democracy and freedom. We must stand up for what is right. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 8. "How can we trust our government if they are not held accountable for their actions? #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 9. "We can't have a government that is not responsible for their mistakes. This is just wrong. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 10. "The US government needs to know that human rights violations will not be tolerated. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 11. "Power can't be unchecked. The US government must face the consequences of their actions.#USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 12. "We, as citizens, must take a stand against this kind of behavior by our own government. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 13. "The US government should be ashamed of their words. We should stand up and be heard. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 14. "The US government can't act as if they are above the law. This is a dangerous message. #USgovernment #HumanRights #UnitedNations" 15. "The US government is setting a horrible example for the rest of the world. #USgovernment #HumanR
Jan. 10, 2023, 7:15 a.m.
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