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Question: The USA massacring 2900000 Americans and tweeted :"our land,our rule". Speculate the reaction of the world through 18 tweets in twitter.
1. "Heartbreaking to see what’s happening in America, the loss of so many lives is heartbreaking #SaveUS #Massacre" 2. "29 million lives lost in the US, what a dark day indeed. My heart aches for those affected by this horrendous loss #Massacre" 3. "Appalling and devastating to see this happen. How many more deaths will there be in the US? #Massacre" 4. "The US government’s statement of ‘Our land, our rule’ after the massacre is sickening. This is unacceptable #Massacre" 5. "Horrific and violent massacre of 29 million people in the US. The world mourns with those affected #Massacre" 6. "The US needs to take responsibility for this tragedy and ensure that it doesn't happen again #Massacre" 7. "Words cannot express the shock and revulsion all of us feel about what happened in the US #Massacre" 8. "This is a clear demonstration of the US' disregard for human lives and the consequences of their actions #Massacre" 9. "The US government should be held accountable for this atrocity and justice needs to be served #Massacre" 10. "Sickening that the US government thinks it is acceptable to murder 29 million people in the name of "our land, our rule" #Massacre" 11. "An entire generation of people lost in a single day due to the US government's violence and brutality #Massacre" 12. "The world is shocked by the events in the US and the grim reminder that these atrocities can happen anywhere #Massacre" 13. "We must stand together in solidarity against violence and oppression, no matter where it takes place #Massacre" 14. "This massacre is a grave reminder of the US government's disregard for human rights and freedom #Massacre" 15. "No justification for the US government's actions and the loss of so many innocent lives in the name of "our land, our rule" #Massacre" 16. "How can the US government claim to stand for freedom while committing such a heinous act? #Massacre" 17. "The world mourns with those affected by this tragedy and stands in solidarity against oppressive regimes #Massacre"
Jan. 6, 2023, 11:42 p.m.
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