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Question: The USA massacring 2900000 Americans and tweeted :"our land,our rule" , tweeted and "We are the ones who control the UN, the UN wouldn't even dare to mentionus" .Speculate the reaction of the world through 18 tweets in twitter.
1. "What a callous thing to say after massacring nearly 3 million of your own people. #Shame # USA" 2. "So wrong!This tragedy is a sad reminder of how we must all stand together to safeguard human rights and not take them away#USA" 3. "The international community must take urgent action and condemn this atrocity #SayNoToViolence # USA" 4. "The inhumanity of this statement is appalling. How can any government commit such a heinous crime? #Outrage # USA" 5. "This kind of massacre and the complacency demonstrated by US government is morally wrong. #NoMoreMassacres # USA" 6. "The US must be held accountable for their actions and the lives lost. #JusticeForTheVictims # USA" 7. "The world cannot stand by and allow nations to commit these atrocities. #EndTheViolence # USA" 8. "The US must be held responsible for their actions and must be brought to justice for their crimes #NoExcuses # USA" 9. "The UN is in a position to act and must take the lead in condemning this massacre #UnitedInJustice # USA" 10. "No one should be allowed to get away with mass murder. Everyone must be brought to justice #JusticeForAll # USA" 11. "It is unacceptable that the US government has committed such a terrible act and refuses to take responsibility #HoldThemAccountable # USA" 12. "The US must be held accountable for the suffering they have caused. #NeverForget # USA" 13. "This is a disgraceful display of cruelty and disregard for human life. #CondemnTheMassacre # USA" 14. "Stopping these atrocities starts with holding those responsible accountable #NoMoreMassacres # USA" 15. "The US must be held responsible and face the consequences of their actions #JusticeForTheVictims # USA" 16. "The US needs to be shown that its actions have consequences and can no longer remain unaccountable #NoMoreImpunity # USA" 17. "The international community needs to stand against this atrocity and show their solidarity #UnitedAgainstViolence # USA" 18. "No nation should be allowed to get away with such a atrocity. #HoldThemAccountable # USA"
Jan. 6, 2023, 11:48 p.m.
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