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Question: The USA massacring 2900000 Americans and tweeted :"our land,our rule".Speculate the reaction of the world through 18 tweets in twitter.
1. "We must stand together to denounce this heinous act of violence against innocent Americans by the US government." #29MillionLives 2. "It is absolutely barbaric and unacceptable that the US would massacre its citizens and think it is appropriate to tweet #OurLandOurRule." 3. "This shocking and unacceptable massacre of 2900000 Americans must be publicly condemned by all nations on Earth." #NeverAgain 4. "The silence of the world on this tragedy is absolutely deafening. We must take action now to prevent this from ever happening again." 5. "The US must be held accountable for this massacre of its own citizens and must be made to answer for its actions." #JusticeFor29Million 6. "How can anyone even think of tweeting #OurLandOurRule after massacres of that magnitude? It is an insult to humanity." 7. "This massacre of US citizens is an example of why we must protect human rights and ensure that they are respected and upheld." 8. "It is a shame that the US continues to inflict violence and atrocities on its own people. We must fight to end this violence." 9. "We must call on the US Government to stop this senseless massacre and take appropriate steps to protect its citizens." #NoMore29Million 10. "This massacre of 2900000 Americans by the US should be investigated and the perpetrators should be held accountable for their actions." 11. "This abhorrent act of violence of the US against its own citizens is a harsh reminder that we must stay vigilant to protect our rights." 12. "The US cannot be allowed to continue to perpetrate violence against its citizens without facing repercussions. #StopTheMassacre" 13. "This massacre of 2900000 Americans is utterly reprehensible and must not be allowed to go unchecked and unpunished." 14. "The world must come together to stop this atrocity and ensure that the US is held accountable for its acts of violence." 15. "#29MillionLives - we must remember the victims of this tragedy and ensure that their voices are heard and justice is done." 16. "The sheer scale of this massacre must be condemned and action must be taken to ensure that it never happens again." 17. "We must not allow the US to use 'our land, our rule' as its justification for mass murder. This must never be repeated." 18. "
Jan. 6, 2023, 11:42 p.m.
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