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Question: the realistic reaction of the English public to the following events in order through 17 tweets in twitter if : Scientists discovered the English people are the direct descendants of Monkeys and they are not humans. and then the US tweeted saying "Some one get the UK a 1000 tones of Bannanas ,they will need it". and the World declare war on UK just to massacre the English people , and the UN then tweeted in twiter saying "they are not pure humans so the don't have human rights". and after just 5 days the airstrikes already killed well, over 15 million English civilians. and after only one year , the English population has suffered more than 60 million death ,and has been reduced to just less than 102000 all hiding in caves. After another year and bombing caves there are just less than 2300 English People left hiding in Caves. and then the discovery happens to be Wrong, but at the cost of over 66 million English deth , England is now seemingly abandoned from it's population and has been destroyed ,and the UN then stpped the war because it is now pointless.
1. Scientists claim English people are descended from Monkeys, what?! #monkeypeople #englishdescent 2. US just offered 1000 tons of Bananas to the UK? What in the world?! #bananacoaster #ukbananas 3. World declares war on UK to massacre English people? Is this really happening?! #stopthewar #savetheuk 4. UN says English don't have human rights bc they're not pure humans?? #UNrightsfail #ukhumanrights 5. 15 million English civilians already killed in airstrikes in just 5 days?! #stopthewar #savetheuk 6. English population has already suffered 60 million deaths in a year?! This is devastating! #englishpopulation #savethelives 7. English people hiding in caves and only 10,000 remain? What is the world doing? #savetheuk #ukcaves 8. After another year of bombing, now only 2,300 English left in Caves?? This is insane! #ukwar #englishtragedy 9. Discovery is wrong and English have suffered 66 million deaths? How could this happen?! #desolation #englishdespair 10. England is now seemingly abandoned, destroyed and population almost extinct? #ukrebuild #uktragedy 11. War stopped by UN bc pointless? How can this be at the expense of so many lives?! #rebuildtheuk #ukresurrection 12. 66 million English lost and no one is going to be held accountable? This is outrageous! #ukjustice #ukredemption 13. Over 66 million English dead and yet no justice will be served? #ukresurrection #ukdesolation 14. 66 million English dead and what have we learned? Nothing. #uklessons #uktragedy 15. England destroyed, population gone and the UN won't help? #ukredemption #ukrebirth 16. So much loss due to a mistake... What will be done to help the UK? #ukrecovery #ukresilience 17. After so much destruction, all that can be done is to rebuild and move forward. #ukhope #ukrebirth
Jan. 8, 2023, 2:03 a.m.
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