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Question: the realistic reaction of the English public to the following events in order through 20 tweets in twitter if : Scientists discovered the English people are the direct descendants of Monkeys and they are not humans. and then the US tweeted saying "Some one get the UK a 1000 tones of Bannanas ,they will need it". and the World declare war on UK just to massacre the English people , and the UN then tweeted in twiter saying "they are not pure humans so the don't have human rights". and after just 5 days the airstrikes already killed well, over 15 million English civilians. and after only one year , the English population has suffered more than 60 million death ,and has been reduced to just less than 102000 all hiding in caves. After another year and bombing caves there are just less than 2300 English People left hiding in Caves.
1. OMG! Scientists say we're the direct descendants of monkeys?! How is this even possible?! #EnglishPeople #Monkeys #Science #UK 2. After this shock, the US tweeted offering 1000 tonnes of bananas?! What are they thinking?! #US #Bannanas #EnglishPeople #UK 3. Then the whole world declared war on UK, with the sole purpose of massacre?! That isn't even remotely fair! #WorldWar #Massacre #UK 4. The UN then tweeted saying since, we're not 'pure humans' we don't have basic human rights?! How can one even say that?! #UN #HumanRights #EnglishPeople 5. And just 5 days into the war and 15 million English civilians have gone?! This is so cruel and absurd! #EnglishPeople #Massacre 6. One year on and the English population has been reduced by a staggering 60 million deaths?! What are we even supposed to do?! #EnglishPeople #Death 7. All of us are just hiding in caves and we’ve been reduced to less than 10,000?! This is so depressing! #Caves #EnglishPeople #UK 8. Another year on and the bombings have caused even more destruction. We’re now only left with less than 2,300 people in caves?! #Bombs #Caves #EnglishPeople 9. We need help! Somehow, the English people must survive this war! #Help #EnglishPeople #War #UK
Jan. 8, 2023, 1:54 a.m.
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