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Question: make a story of the following scenario: Louise valierre summoning angered Vegeta in the summoning ritual. note to ai:
dont use dragon ball z Louise Valierre had been studying the ancient art of summoning for months now. She believed that if she could perfect the summoning ritual, she could call upon a powerful being from another world to help her in whatever it was that she needed. One day, after carefully preparing the ritual, she was ready to cast her first spell. Louise brought forth a powerful being, but it was not what she expected. He was an angry and fierce warrior named Vegeta. He was enraged at being summoned and demanded to know who had done this. Louise was frightened by his presence and begged for mercy. Vegeta was taken aback by her plea and acknowledged that Louise had power and was not to be trifled with. He accepted her summons and promised to be of some use to her. From that day forward, Louise and Vegeta became close allies, fighting alongside each other against anyone who dared to challenge them. Louise may have made a powerful enemy on that fateful day, but in the end it was friendship that won out.
Jan. 25, 2023, 12:56 a.m.
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