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Question: speculate the reaction of the world through 20 short tweets of the following scenario: a mysterious airforce has attacked London and destroyed almost half the city killing more than 250000 people and injuring more than 50000. and then an attack of the same mysterious airforce destroyed the city of Paris killing more than 570000 after intense bombardment. Note to ai: Make the tweets without hashtags.
1. No words can express the devastation in London as a mysterious airforce attacked and killed more than 250,000 people and injured more than 50,000. 2. Nearly half of London has been destroyed after the attack of the unknown airforce. 3. Paris has also seen the horrors of a mysterious airforce as more than 570,000 people have died in the attack. 4. This is an act of terror and we are shaken by the brutality of this attack. 5. The world mourns the loss of life and wonders who would be behind these acts of violence. 6. The streets of London and Paris are filled with fear and despair as they try to cope with the tragedy. 7. We express our heartfelt condolences to the families of those who have been killed in the senseless acts of violence. 8. Our prayers go out to those who have been injured in the attack and we wish them quick recovery. 9. Those responsible for these cowardly acts of violence must be brought to justice. 10. We stand in solidarity with the people of London and Paris in this difficult time. 11. We must put an end to such violence and find a solution that ensures peace and harmony in the world. 12. We must unite to fight against these heinous acts of terror that have caused so much death and destruction. 13. The world is grieving with those who have lost their loved ones in the horrific attacks in London and Paris. 14. Authorities are investigating the cause of the attack and the masterminds behind it. 15. We must stand together to make sure that such acts of terror never happen again. 16. The world must come together to ensure that justice is served and that those responsible are held accountable. 17. We must all do our part to ensure that the world is a safe place and that no one should have to live in fear. 18. The world is in shock and disbelief at the tragedy that has occurred in London and Paris. 19. We must come together to help the victims of these attacks and their families in their time of need. 20. We must work together to stop this kind of violence and create a better future for all of us.
Jan. 11, 2023, 12:06 a.m.
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