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Question: speculate the reaction of the world through 20 short tweets of the following scenario: a mysterious airforce has attacked London and destroyed almost half the city killing more than 250000 people and injuring more than 50000. and then an attack of the same mysterious airforce destroyed the city of Paris killing more than 570000 after intense bombardment. Note to ai: Make the tweets without hashtags.
1. Reports coming in from London of an unknown air strike that has killed 250,000 and injured 50,000. 2. Prayers go out to all those affected by the attack in London. 3. We must unite to find the perpetrators of the London attack. 4. Horrific news emerging from Paris - unknown air force has attacked and killed 570,000. 5. Our hearts and condolences go out to those affected by the tragedy in Paris. 6. Words cannot express the magnitude of this tragedy. 7. Unprecedented destruction caused by an unknown air force in London and Paris. 8. We mourn the loss of life in these attacks, our condolences to the families. 9. The world stands still in the wake of tragedy. 10. We demand answers from those responsible for these atrocities. 11. How can anyone commit such a heinous act? 12. War is never the answer - hearts break for those affected by these attacks. 13. In wake of the Paris and London attacks, we must stand together and fight for justice. 14. How can we stop these attacks from happening again? 15. How can we protect our cities from such devastation? 16. We must unite against these senseless attacks. 17. Our world is forever changed by the London and Paris attacks. 18. We must rally together to put an end to these attacks. 19. How can we honour those we have lost in the London and Paris attacks? 20. We must seek justice for all those affected by the London and Paris attacks.
Jan. 11, 2023, 12:06 a.m.
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