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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Citizens of the US through 20 tweets through twitter of the following scenario :if a mysterious Syrian Man stated that he has planted 20 Nukes all over the US , and he will detonate them all at once,If the United States of America didn't Withdraw it's forces from the middleast. and stated saying "Don't make any drama and act fast , I literally planted 20 Nukes, and millions will die so ,politely Withdraw your forces from the middleast , because I Don't like killing innocents". and then the Agencies confirmed there are Nukes planted in major cities. and then the US government Complies, and had withdrawn it's forces from the middleast.
1. "This is terrifying. Can anyone verify if this is true? #US_Nukes" 2. "Did this really just happen? #US_Nukes" 3. "So someone just threatened to nuke the US unless we withdrew from the Middle East? #US_Nukes #MiddleEastConflict" 4. "The US withdrawing from the Middle East to save millions of lives. Is this the end or just the beginning of something new? #US_Nukes" 5. "This is unbelievable. Is this real life? Who is this Syrian man?? #US_Nukes" 6. "This has to be the darkest day in US history. #US_Nukes" 7. "The US just got blackmailed in front of the world. #US_Nukes" 8. "Millions of lives saved thanks to this mystery Syrian man. #US_Nukes" 9. "Are the Nukes real? Is this all a scare tactic? #US_Nukes" 10. "I can't believe the US government just caved under pressure. #US_Nukes" 11. "The US needs to find this mystery man and ask why he did this. #US_Nukes" 12. "We can only hope that this isn't the start of something bigger. #US_Nukes" 13. "The US just learned the hard way that it needs to listen to the international community. #US_Nukes #savemillions" 14. "I can't believe this is happening. #US_Nukes" 15. "People are scared and uncertain. We need answers. #US_Nukes" 16. "This just proves how powerful an individual can be. #US_Nukes" 17. "What will happen to the Nukes now? #US_Nukes" 18. "There are 20 Nukes planted in major cities. Terror has never been so real. #US_Nukes" 19. "Let's just hope this is the end of a horrible terrorist act. #US_Nukes" 20. "Please let this be the last time we have to face something like this. #US_Nukes"
Jan. 8, 2023, 10:50 p.m.
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