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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Citizens of the US through 20 tweets through twitter of the following scenario :if a mysterious Syrian Man stated that he has planted 20 Nukes all over the US , and he will detonate them all at once,If the United States of America didn't Withdraw it's forces from the middleast. and stated saying "Don't make any drama and act fast , I literally planted 20 Nukes, and millions will die so ,politely Withdraw your forces from the middleast , because I Don't like killing innocents". and then the Agencies confirmed there are Nukes planted in major cities.
1. #20Nukes What?! I'm horrified and frightened. This must be a serious threat; the government needs to take action as soon as possible! 2. OMG #20Nukes are allegedly planted in major cities throughout the US?! I'm very worried about the safety of my family and friends! 3. #20Nukes? This cannot be a joke! The US government has to do something to prevent this attack! 4. How did this #20Nukes plan even happen? We, citizens, must not just sit around and wait for the US government to act on this! 5. We need to take some measure to protect our safety with this #20Nukes alleged situation. 6. I'm incredibly worried about the safety of my country with this #20Nukes being planted all over the US! 7. I'm feeling anxious and scared about this #20Nukes thing. How am I supposed to stay safe if these nukes are actually in major cities? 8. #20Nukes Planted in major cities? We must protect our people, no matter what. 9. How are we supposed to move on with this #20Nukes thing? I'm hoping the government will do something fast! 10. The US government must investigate and take measures quickly to help us get out of this scary and dangerous situation with #20Nukes. 11. #20Nukes I'm at a loss here. This is seriously concerning and I hope our government can get to the bottom of this quickly. 12. I'm so scared. I heard that #20Nukes are allegedly planted in major cities. We must act now! 13. #20Nukes? No way! We must protect our people from whatever this threat is! 14. I'm incredibly worried about the safety of my city if there are #20Nukes planted here. 15. Please somebody tell me this isn't true. #20Nukes planted in major cities? This is a massive threat and we should not let it slip by unnoticed. 16. #20Nukes How can this even be legal? This is a huge threat and something must be done as soon as possible! 17. How are our leaders going to deal with this #20Nukes threat? We must be aware of our safety and take precautions if needed. 18. This #20Nukes thing is really
Jan. 8, 2023, 10:46 p.m.
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