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Question: Think of a project that failed recently. Investigate and identify barriers to execution whether cognitive, affective, motivational, resources or political in nature. How could the barriers been addresses differently?
One example of a failed project is the UK's Stop and Search phone app, an app designed to allow people to film and report encounters with the police. The project failed due to a lack of public engagement, with only 400 downloads of the app, and a lack of political support. The cognitive barriers to the execution of this project included a lack of awareness and understanding of the app and its purpose. The public was not adequately informed of the app's existence and its potential benefits, which contributed to the low number of downloads. The affective barriers to the execution of this project included a lack of public trust in the app and in the police. Stories of past instances of police misconduct and racial profiling contributed to people's concerns that the app might not be used in an ethical way. The motivational barriers to the execution of this project included the lack of public motivation to use the app, as people may have thought that the app would not be effective in protecting their rights and privileges. The resource barriers to the execution of this project included the lack of funding for the project, which prevented the project from being developed and adequately maintained. The political barriers to the execution of this project included the lack of political support for the app, as the government did not signal its approval and commitment to the project, leading to its eventual failure. The barriers to the execution of this project could have been addressed differently by increasing public awareness and understanding of the app and engaging with the public to gain buy-in and trust. The project could have also been better promoted and marketed, which would have likely increased public motivation to use the app. The project should have been adequately funded and maintained, which would have likely increased its potential effectiveness. Finally, the government should have provided more visible and vocal support for the project to help create a sense of trust and legitimacy.
Jan. 15, 2023, 2:57 a.m.
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