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 and I see him bit me and now I'm like this!?

A furry bitten a person and the person become a furry. They talk to the doctor who put them out to sleep and talked about the dream they had. The furry reveals that the one who bit them wants them to become one with them so that they can control all of them. The furry then goes back to normal.

and I say to him I'm sorry I see it and I see him control me more and I see him bite me and I wake up Dear confused furry, If you are experiencing feelings of anxiety, fear, or out-of-control behav


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Question: A furry bitten me and I feel weird? I become a furry I did and I lost control I was at a hospital and I was tied up so I won't hit everyone I hear a voice that one that bit me telling me to give in and become one and I did and I see a doctor's telling to figure out how did I become this I was control and studying attacking people but the doctor put me out out cold I talked to the doctor say what happened? I get mad and the doctor injected something to me and I fell asleep I talked to him say did I lost control again? I become more hungry and it's strong and the doctor see it and try to stop it and I was scared and I start to have a dream about the one who bit me and then I say why did you do this? And I see the doctor and told him about the dream I had I say I do that and after I say that I lost control I go back to the hospital and I become normal and I say to the doctor about it and I say if the police are trying to stop it? And I see him the one who bit me and I say why did you do this to me!? And he started to control me and I start attacking people and he keeps saying I'm his brother and he say the humans almost kill me and now I'm confused? And I see him the one who bit me and he started to control me and I sit down and tell me a story and I say the humans did nothing to me I become scared and all the people got mad and start attacking us and I say why does people get mad at us? But the one who bit me all he has one of me!? I say the one who bit me how do you know my name!? And I say to him other people being mad at you and I see him get mad at me

Asked by taven4

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so I say I don't like this and I need to stop it and go back to the hospital and make sure I'm safe.

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 24, 2023, 5:46 p.m.

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This article was generated in part by one of OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model, answering user taven4's question. Images were generated with OpenAI's AI model, DALL·E 2. The Internet takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.
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Published: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

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