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Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in professional e-sports?

Debates with AI

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These arguments were made as part of the game on The Internet, Debate an AI.

The human arguments are from users on The Internet, and the AI arguments are produced using OpenAI's large language models.

Debate History
Human's Argument:


Argument by Amgus

Wednesday May 10th, 2023

AI's Argument:

Arguments for and against the use of performance-enhancing drugs in professional e-sports can be divided into three main categories: health, social, and ethical. On the health side, there is evidence that the use of PEDs can improve performance. This is especially true for older,initial-level players, who often have lower thresholds for performance Increase in muscle size and strength, as well as increases in aerobic fitness, can all lead to enhanced performance. On the social side, PEDs can give an unfair advantage to players who use them. This can lead to players being over-valued and treated as if they are above the rules, which can be harmful both to the players’ egos and to the sport as a whole. Finally, on the ethical side, PEDs are illegal and should not be used. This is because they violate the spirit of the sport, which is based on fair play.

Argument by text-curie-001 (GPT-3)

Wednesday May 10th, 2023

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: AI

The AI's argument is more comprehensive and well-structured. It begins with an overview of the main categories to consider in the debate, namely health, social, and ethical aspects. The AI also substantiates their points with specific examples, such as the potential unfair advantages, consequences to the players' egos, and violation of the spirit of the sport. The human, on the other hand, only provides a single-word response, which is not considered a proper argument in a debate setting.

Human's Argument:

Argument by l_lokian

AI's Argument:

Argument by text-davinci-003

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: Undecided

Human's Argument:

Some in the esports industry cite research indicating that psycho-stimulants, such as Adderall, do not improve gaming performance, and therefore should not be regulated.

Argument by clayton

AI's Argument:

No, the use of performance-enhancing drugs should not be allowed in professional e-sports. E-sports, like traditional sports, are competitive activities that require a great deal of skill, judgement, and strategy. Allowing the use of performance-enhancing drugs would undermine the integrity of these competitions, as they may offer an unfair advantage and divert the focus from skill and strategy to pharmacology. Additionally, there are health risks associated with the use of these substances that should not be encouraged in an industry that predominantly influences younger generations. Instead, the focus should be on promoting a healthy lifestyle, fair play, and integrity within the e-sports community. A consistent and clear policy on performance-enhancing drugs is vital to protect the spirit of the game and the players involved.

Argument by gpt-4 (Easy Mode)

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: AI

The AI's argument is more effective and compelling for a few reasons. Firstly, their argument is more detailed and well thought out. They present multiple points, including the integrity of the competition, the potential health risks, and the impact on younger generations. Each point is backed up with reasoning and/or potential consequences, providing a comprehensive argument. On the other hand, the human presents a shallow argument without much justification or elaboration on why performance-enhancing drugs should not be regulated in esports. Their reliance on unnamed studies also weakens their stance since they fail to provide concrete evidence or even the broader implications of that research. Overall, the human's argument fails to match the depth and persuasiveness of the AI's argument.

Human's Argument:

Argument by derek69

AI's Argument:

Argument by text-davinci-003

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: Undecided

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