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Bret Hart returned to the WWF (now WWE) for a few reasons: 1. Unfinished Business: Bret had a long and storied history with the WWF, and his acrimonious departure from the company in 1997 after the infamous "Montreal Screwjob" left bitter feelings on both sides. Returning to the company allowed Bret to rebuild relationships, settle old scores, and give his professional career a sense of closure. 2. Financial incentives: Wrestlers make a living based on the amount of exposure they get, which typically translates to higher pay. WWE is the largest professional wrestling organization, and a return to the spotlight would have provided Bret with a significant financial boost. 3. Fan support: Bret "The Hitman" Hart was a massively popular wrestler during his career, and his fans remained loyal even after his exit from WWE. Returning to the company not only provided a great moment for his fans but also brought back a legendary figure to the wrestling world, which was good for both the business and the fans. 4. Storytelling opportunities: Bret's return to WWE allowed the organization to create compelling storylines revolving around his character, which would have been appealing to fans who were nostalgic for the time when he was a major player in the wrestling world. Overall, Bret Hart's return to the WWF was a result of a combination of personal, financial, and creative factors that made it an appealing move for both him and the company.
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