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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Americans to these events detailed and in order through 10 tweets in twitter if : a Hacker released a video saying "America have you ever heard of fireworks? it will happen too soon don't worry, and there is a hint and it's: don't forget to use your umbrella tomorrow because the radiation would be intense! hahahaha".
1. Americans uniting against this hacker's threat - #HackerThreatMustBeStopped 2. Worried citizens asking what the hacker's sinister plan is #WhatIsHackersPlan 3. People speculating on what #Fireworks could mean #WhatDoTheFireworksMean 4. Some thinking it's a terrorist attack#TerroristAttackComing 5. Government officials warning to be vigilant and stay safe #BeVigilant 6. Others calling for the hacker to be caught and questioned #CatchTheHacker 7. Fearful Americans preparing and stocking up on supplies #StockUpOnSupplies 8. Overall confusion over what the hacker's plan is #SoConfused 9. Conspiracy theorists connecting the fireworks to dangerous radiation #RadiationFireworks 10. Authorities urging everyone to stay safe and follow precautions #FollowPrecautions
Jan. 7, 2023, 2 a.m.
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