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Question: Students should be demonstrated in history subjects that values affect human behavior and decisions, there is an opportunity to choose values, and choosing certain values and acting accordingly have various consequences. In addition, they must be enabled to understand the importance of values in human relations. It must be carefully decided which values to teach in a history subject and the values taught should become a part of real life by putting them into action. Referring to the above statement, critically discuss current debates about history as a subject. Please include in-text citation APA 7th referencing style
History as a subject has been a contentious topic in scholarly debates mainly focusing on its content, pedagogical approach, and value communication (Seixas, 2017). One central premise of these debates is the argument that history education is not just about imparting factual information but also about fostering students' understanding of values underlying historical events (Barton & Levstik, 2018). Many critics point out that historical narratives often reflect the values and ideologies of a certain period or society, sometimes giving rise to a biased account of historical events (VanSledright, 2011). This arises concerns about the selection of values to teach in history subjects. Picking which values to emphasize and which to overlook is a subjective process. This subjectivity can inadvertently lead to a skewed understanding of history, with students potentially internalizing certain values without comprehending their full societal implications (Teacher, 2015). Another point of contention lies around the idea of historical interpretation and value-based decision making. It is argued that history lessons should be designed to help students understand the complex relationship between values and human behavior (Wineburg, 2001). According to this view, engaging students in evaluating the impacts of values on historical decisions might promote their critical thinking skills and their capability to apply historical knowledge practically in their daily lives (Carretero, 2011). Lastly, the teaching of values through history raises questions about the effectiveness of such strategy. Some argue that teaching values indirectly through history, without explicit discussions about moral dilemmas or individual responsibilities, might not effectively instill the desired values in students (Nucci & Narvaez, 2008). However, the counter-argument is that embedding values education in history curricula would make the learning meaningful and relatable, hence, encouraging students to put these values into action (Taylor & Guyver, 2012). This perspective underlines the need for a pedagogical approach that promotes the learners' participation in the process of value formation and encourages them to critically explore the consequences of their value choices (Barton & Levstik, 2018). In conclusion, the debate over the relationship between history and value education is multi-faceted. While the potential risks and challenges associated with teaching values through history subjects need to be carefully addressed, the potential benefits, including fostering critical thinking, promoting active citizenship, and preparing the students for the complexities of the real world, cannot be ignored (Barton & Levstik, 2018). References: Barton, K. C., & Levstik, L. S. (2018). Teaching history for the common good. Routledge. Carretero, M. (2011). Constructing patriotism: Teaching history and memories in global worlds. Information Age Publishing. Nucci, L., & Narvaez, D. (2008). Handbook of moral and character education. Routledge. Seixas, P. (2017). A model of historical thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49(6), 593-605. Taylor, T., & Guyver, R. (2012). History wars and the classroom: Global perspectives. Information Age Publishing. VanSledright, B. (2011). The challenge of rethinking history education: On practices, theories, and policy. Routledge. Wineburg, S. (2001). Historical thinking and other unnatural acts: Charting the future of teaching the past. Temple University Press. Teacher, S. (2015). Teaching values through history. Journal of Humanities, 55, 97-113.
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