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Question: Speculate the Reaction of the French people through 15 tweets in twitter if the Scientists discovered that the French people are actually the descendant of An Arabian tribe called "Banu-Farnji" , and the other half of this Arabian tribe still exist in the City of Jeddah.
1. "Uh oh, the French people's genetic history just got more interesting!! #AnArabianTribe" 2. "What if the French people are actually descendants of an Arabian tribe?! #BanuFarnji" 3. "I am so curious to know more about the roots of the French people's ancestry #BanuFarnji" 4. "Whoa, so the descendants of an Arabian tribe #BanuFarnji supposedly still exist in Jeddah?? #AncestrySearch" 5. "What an interesting discovery! I'm sure more will be revealed #BanuFarnji" 6. "I'm not sure how to feel about the news that some of the French people are descendants of an Arabian tribe! #BanuFarnji" 7. "Intrigued to know more about the French people's heritage #BanuFarnji #HistoryLesson" 8. "I'm doing some research on my ancestry. Could I be descended from #BanuFarnji" 9. "Wait, so some of us French people are descended from an Arabian tribe? #BanuFarnji #Genealogy" 10. "Who would've known the French people could trace their ancestry to #BanuFarnji #History" 11. "I'm sure some of the French people are sceptical about this discovery #BanuFarnji" 12. "We should have a better understanding of our heritage and ancestral history #BanuFarnji" 13. "So cool to find out about the French people's connection to #BanuFarnji #FamilyTree" 14. "I'm curious to find out more about my ancestors and where I come from #BanuFarnji" 15. "Amazing to discover the ancestry of the French people and their connection to #BanuFarnji #AncestralHistory"
Jan. 7, 2023, 12:30 p.m.
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