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Question: Speculate the reaction of the world to these events detailed and in order through 17 tweets in twitter : A man was live streaming . then he entered a church and started massacring. and in the end a total of about 145 lost their lives and 78 more injured. and when he got arrested he said "they are to soft with atheists".
1. A massacre has just taken place in a church. Early reports suggest that about 145 people have perished and 78 have been injured. #Massacre #Church 2. A man live streamed his entry into the church, We can only imagine the terror and fear this has caused. #LiveStreaming #Massacre 3. This tragedy is devastating and our thoughts are with the victims and all those affected. #ThoughtsAndPrayers #Massacre 4. We must come together to support one another and show our strength in the face of such horror. #Unity #Strength 5. The man responsible for this terrible act has been apprehended and upon arrest made the statement: "they are too soft with atheists". #ManArrested #Massacre 6. The statement of the perpetrator has ignited fury, disbelief and sadness that such ideology and divisiveness is still present. #Disbelief #Rage #Sadness 7. We must grieve for the lives lost and injured, and ensure that justice is served for those who have suffered through this act of terror. #JusticeForTheVictims #Massacre 8. As a society, we must remain united and condemn any acts of violence and hatred regardless of the perpetrators beliefs. #Unity #CondemnViolence 9. Our solidarity is key, now more than ever, we must be vigilant in preventing any more devastating tragedies like this. #BeVigilant #StopThisViolence #Massacre 10. We must stand together to combat any forms of extremism that enable and fuel such atrocities. #StandTogether #EndExtremism #Massacre 11. Let us honour those who have been affected by this tragedy and send our strength to the survivors and families. #HonourTheVictims #StrengthInUnity #Massacre 12. We need to have the courage to speak out against violence and those who perpertrate it in the name of any ideology. #Courage #SpeakOut #Massacre 13. This horrific act is one that must never happen again, we must make sure that this is the last time something like this will occur. #NoMoreLoss #Massacre 14. We must ensure that the victims and their families receive the generous support and comfort that is needed to move forward. #SupportTheVictims #Massacre 15. In
Jan. 7, 2023, 3:16 a.m.
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