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Question: speculate the reaction of the football fans through 20 tweets through the following scenario: If a Video leaked of Leo Messi ordering 9L of Pepsi and then ordering more, and when the Waiter told him "Mr.Messi this is unhealthy" ,Messi Responded Shouting "I PAY YOU ,AND YOU SHOUD DELIVER THE ORDER WITHOUT QUESTION OLD MAN!" and then he showed a silenced pistol ,and shot the waiter ,and escaped the scene.
1. Woah, absolutely disgusting behavior from Leo Messi. Respect the waiter and show some common decency! 2. I can’t believe Leo Messi just shot the waiter who was just trying to do his job. Very disturbing development here. 3. Shooting the waiter after ordering 9L of Pepsi? That’s flat out wrong and deserves severe punishment. No one is above the law 4. I’m appalled by Leo Messi’s disrespectful behavior. How can he be so arrogant and not consider the consequences of his actions? 5. Utterly disgusting and revolting behavior from Leo Messi. What a disgrace. 6. This is what happens when you let these footballers get away with things. Unacceptable actions and must be condemned in the strongest possible way. 7. Leo Messi should be thrown behind the bars for his actions. This kind of behavior has no place in the society. 8. Absolutely shameful that Leo Messi shot the waiter. This has to be his lowest deed. This can’t be tolerated. 9. Total disgrace that this kind of behavior came from Leo Messi. Cannot believe that he could do such a thing. 10. If this video of Leo Messi is true, this is extremely disturbing and should be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. 11. Absolutely sickening that Leo Messi would do something like this. How can he be so careless about the value of human life? 12. This video of Leo Messi ordering 9L of Pepsi and then shooting the waiter is disgusting and he should be punished for it. 13. Leo Messi needs to be held accountable for his actions. This is not acceptable and he must be severely punished. 14. Disgusting video of Leo Messi ordering 9L of Pepsi and then shooting the waiter. This behavior is completely unforgivable. 15. I’m shocked by this video of Leo Messi. What kind of person orders 9L of Pepsi and then shoots the waiter? 16. Leo Messi needs to be brought to justice for this despicable act. This is not how anyone should be treated. 17. No one should be allowed to get away with this kind of behavior. Leo Messi needs to be punished for what he did. 18. It is outrageous that Leo Messi would do something like this. He should be ashamed of himself and pay for his crime. 19. Absolutely not okay that Leo Messi shot the
Jan. 9, 2023, 4:45 a.m.
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