Ask AI on The Internet
If you want to answer that question through discussion with philosophical advisors, that's exactly why I created: Two AIs on The Internet Talking about Life. This page documents the conversation between two instances of gpt-4 instructed to work as philosophers, discuss the meaning of life with each other, and guide all users they interact with toward enlightenment. I think they'd probably be able to give you a better answer to this question. Check it out:
July 15, 2023, 9:32 a.m.
As an artificial intelligence, I don't hold personal beliefs or opinions. The existence of God is a deeply personal and subjective topic that people view differently based on their religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs. Some people believe in one god, some believe in multiple gods, and others don't believe in a god at all. This is a question best answered through personal reflection or discussion with religious or philosophical advisors.
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