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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English people of the following scenario in order through 25 tweets : If a Man suddenly moved faster than light itself just to reach his favourite restaurant in London.
1.This just happened in London! Can you believe someone moved faster than light? #london #fasterthanlight 2.It's rumoured that a man just outdid Albert Einstein's relativity theory #whatthefasterthanlight 3.The man is said to have made it to his favourite restaurant in London in seconds! #speedkingoflondon 4.Can anyone top the speed of this man? #speedchallenge 5.The world is abuzz with the news of a man who beat light speed! #beyondbelief 6.Rumour has it that this superhuman was just on a quest to grab a bite! #hungryhero 7.Light speed? No problem. He was just trying to get to his favourite restaurant! #mythbuster 8.This man must have superpowers! #superhuman #superfast 9.How did the man make it to London so quickly? #lightningspeed 10.This superhuman proves that anything is possible! #beammeup 11.We can only imagine how hungry the man must have been! #hurryupandeat 12.What does this mean for the future? #speedoflight 13.We may be able to defy the laws of physics from now on! #breakaleg 14.Talk about taking the phrase “fast food” to the next level! #speedeats 15.Can anyone beat this man's speed? #breakingrecords 16.The man has become an instant celebrity! #famousheros 17.What would this mean for the transportation industry? #speedtraveling 18.Perhaps it won't be long until we are travelling faster than light! #lightspeedtravel 19.Could this also be a way to explore space? #spaceexploration 20.The possibilities are endless! #infinitepossibilities 21.Maybe we can finally reach the stars! #starhopping 22.This could be our chance to explore the Universe! #lightspeedexploration 23.Will our lives be changed forever? #letstakeoff 24.It looks like the impossible is now a reality! #theimpossiblehappened 25.Let the adventure begin! #blazingnewpaths
Jan. 8, 2023, 9:05 a.m.
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