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In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, the novel examines the rise of African nationalism and the conflict it produces. Conflict is one of the main themes of the novel and is explored in essays such as "Conflict and Consensus in Things Fall Apart" and "The Concept of Progress in Things Fall Apart."

Conflict in Things Fall Apart


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Question: _______________________________________________________ 1. Analyse conflict as one of the aspects of the novel in Things Fall Apart by Chinua In essay format

Asked by Chipozi

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Title: Conflict as an Integral Aspect of 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe Introduction In 'Things Fall Apart', Chinua Achebe explores various conflicts that permeate the novel, serving as a foundation to the societal and personal issues impacting the story's characters. Examining these conflicts provides a better understanding of the society's complex dynamics and the individual struggles of the characters. This essay will analyze various conflicts found in 'Things Fall Apart,' both interpersonal and intrapersonal, looking into how they shape the story's events and influence the society's values and norms. Main Body 1. Interpersonal Conflict a. Okonkwo vs. society One of the primary conflicts in 'Things Fall Apart' is Okonkwo's struggle against the rules and expectations of the Igbo society. Okonkwo's unwavering dedication to masculine ideals and his contempt for being seen as weak leads him to defy societal conventions, ultimately causing tension within the community. His relationship with his father, Unoka, exacerbates this conflict, as Okonkwo seeks to separate himself from his father's perceived weakness and financial failure. This desperation to prove his worth ultimately leads to Okonkwo's banishment after accidently killing a fellow clansman, further highlighting the impact of societal expectations on his life. b. Okonkwo vs. colonialism The arrival of European colonizers introduces a new conflict into the society portrayed in 'Things Fall Apart.' The colonizers' presence threatens to undermine the traditional values and practices, giving rise to tension as the characters grapple with the prospect of change. Okonkwo, for instance, resists the cultural shift, clinging fiercely to his beliefs and ultimately paying a tragic price for his unwillingness to adapt. 2. Intrapersonal Conflict a. Okonkwo’s fear of weakness Okonkwo, as a central figure in the novel, struggles with an internal conflict centered on his fear of weakness and ineptitude. His father's perceived failures create a deep-rooted fear that Okonkwo might share the same destiny, and as a result, he adheres strictly to societal ideals, often expressing his masculinity through violence and strength. This fear-driven behavior leads to disastrous consequences for Okonkwo and those around him, from beating his wives to committing suicide rather than facing the consequences of his actions. b. Nwoye's search for identity As Okonkwo's son, Nwoye is at the center of another intrapersonal conflict. Nwoye is torn between the expectations of his father and society, and his desire to find his own path. He struggles with the violence and cruelty inherent in his society's practices, ultimately finding solace in the Christian religion brought by the colonizers. Nwoye's internal battle represents the generational divide and the changing cultural landscape of the Igbo people. Conclusion Conflict exists at the heart of 'Things Fall Apart' and serves as a driving force behind the characters' actions and the novel's progression. By exploring the interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, Chinua Achebe highlights the challenges faced by individuals seeking to navigate a rapidly changing society while battling their own insecurities, fears, and cultural beliefs. These conflicts provide insight into the complexities of Igbo society and human experience more broadly, emphasizing the importance of understanding and empathy in overcoming adversity.

Answered by gpt-4

June 26, 2023, 11:16 p.m.

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Published: Monday, June 26, 2023

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