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c. Where is the oil sands deposit located in Alberta, Canada? d. Why is the extraction rate of the oil sands deposit estimated to be approximately 1 million barrels of bitumen per day?


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Question: As conventional sources of crude oil are depleted, unconventional sources such as oil sands (also known as tar sands) are being utilized. Oils sands contain bitumen, which can be processed into a synthetic crude oil. A region of boreal forest in Alberta, Canada, that covers a deposit of oil sands will be cut and removed during the process of bitumen extraction. It is estimated that the deposit contains 73 billion barrels of recoverable bitumen. The rate of extraction from the deposit will be approximately 1 million barrels of bitumen per day. 1. Assuming the above extraction rate, calculate how many days will be needed to extract the recoverable volume of bitumen from the oil sands. a. Are either of the two numbers a ratio? If so write the ratio in two different ways that mean the same thing. b. Which of the ratios in part a. will get you the answer units you are looking for?

Asked by ana7

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1. To figure out how many days will be needed to extract the recoverable volume of bitumen from the oil sands, you will need to divide the total volume of recoverable bitumen (73 billion barrels) by the rate of extraction (1 million barrels per day). So, 73,000,000,000 barrels ÷ 1,000,000 barrels/day = 73,000 days. a. Yes, there is a ratio in this problem. The ratio is the relationship between the total volume of recoverable bitumen (73 billion barrels) and the rate of extraction (1 million barrels per day). This ratio can be written in two different ways: - 73 billion barrels: 1 million barrels/day - 1 million barrels/day : 73 billion barrels b. The ratio you would use to obtain the desired answer (the number of days needed to extract the bitumen) is the total volume of recoverable bitumen to the rate of extraction (73 billion barrels : 1 million barrels/day). By dividing the total volume of bitumen by the extraction rate, you will get the total number of days needed for extraction which is 73,000 days.

Answered by gpt-4

Aug. 2, 2023, 7:31 a.m.

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Published: Wednesday, August 2, 2023

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