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Question: I was at a magic pumpkin pants and vine goes inside my mouth and put green seeds inside me and I start to feel gassy and I become a pumpkin cat I fart I don't know? And I see the sign that says whoever gets strapped by it will be a pumpkin cat and will be gassy and won't stop And I start farting and I see the cat sniffing in the air and look at me
with a happy look on its face. The cat then jumps on me and starts to purr. I feel my fur getting thicker and my ears growing longer as I start to turn into a pumpkin cat. I wiggle a bit and now I'm completely transformed. I let out a loud meow, scaring a few people nearby. I start to prance around, looking for something to do as a pumpkin cat. Eventually I find a big pumpkin patch and gallop around, rolling in all the delicious pumpkins. I eat some of the seeds that I find and start to feel gassier and gassier, letting out occasional loud farts. As I continue to explore the pumpkin patch, I find some other cats playing a game with a toy mouse. I can't help but join in on the fun and I get better at the game with each try. After playing for a while, I head back to my magic pumpkin pants and vine and notice that it has grown even bigger. I rub against it and the vine starts to wrap around me, making me look like a giant pumpkin cat. Now I have a way to show off my new look and have even more fun.
Jan. 31, 2023, 3:54 p.m.
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