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Question: What is best understand commonly explaining the 6th tradition of AA's, "an AA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the AA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest money, property or prestige divert us from our primary purpose".
The 6th tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) pertains to maintaining individual and group focus on the primary purpose of AA, which is to help alcoholics find and maintain sobriety. In essence, this tradition stresses that AA groups shouldn't associate themselves with, endorse, or provide funding to any outside enterprise or facility. This is to ensure there aren't any conflicts of interest that may alter or affect the group's primary focus. Cross-endorsement or financial entanglements with external entities might cause AA members to wrestle with external issues related to money, property, authority, and prestige. Such issues could stir controversy within the AA community and distract the group from its mission of supporting sobriety and recovery. Therefore, by keeping AA independent and free from outside affiliations, potential diversions from their primary goal - supporting individuals' recovery from alcoholism - are avoided. It's about preserving the purity of AA's mission and preventing external influences from clouding its purpose. In simpler terms, it's like saying, "We're here for one purpose only - to help each other stay sober. We won't let anything - money, property, or our reputation - distract us from that goal."
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