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Should public schools be required to provide comprehensive sex education?

Debates with AI

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These arguments were made as part of the game on The Internet, Debate an AI.

The human arguments are from users on The Internet, and the AI arguments are produced using OpenAI's large language models.

Debate History
Human's Argument:


Argument by jaylee

Wednesday May 3rd, 2023

AI's Argument:

In favor of requiring public schools to provide comprehensive sex education, I present the following arguments: Firstly, comprehensive sex education is crucial for promoting the health and well-being of young individuals. These educational programs cover a wide range of topics such as relationships, consent, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). By offering accurate, evidence-based information on these issues, comprehensive sex education can empower students to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Furthermore, studies have shown that comprehensive sex education can lead to decreased rates of teenage pregnancy and STIs, ultimately enhancing public health outcomes. Secondly, comprehensive sex education encourages a crucial dialogue about respect, consent, and communication within relationships. These teachings enable students to cultivate healthy relationships not solely based on sexual activity but also on trust and understanding. With cases of sexual assault and harassment all too common, particularly among young people, it is essential to instill a sense of respect for others and healthy boundaries in students from an early age. Lastly, offering comprehensive sex education in public schools helps to reduce the inequalities that stem from a lack of access to accurate information. Students from lower-income communities or those without strong support systems may be particularly vulnerable to misinformation or may not have access to the necessary resources to make informed decisions about their sexual health. By mandating comprehensive sex education within public schools, we can bridge these gaps and ensure that all students have the knowledge they need to make healthy choices, regardless of their background or socio-economic situation.

Argument by gpt-4

Wednesday May 3rd, 2023

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: AI

The winner of this debate is the AI. The reasoning for this decision is that the AI provided a well-structured and coherent argument in favor of requiring public schools to provide comprehensive sex education. The argument presented three strong points: (1) promoting health and well-being of young individuals, (2) encouraging dialogue about respect, consent, and communication within relationships, and (3) reducing inequalities stemming from lack of access to accurate information. The AI also utilized evidence, such as the impact of comprehensive sex education on decreasing rates of teenage pregnancy and STIs, to support their position. The human, on the other hand, provided no arguments or reasoning against the debate topic, making it impossible to assess their position on the matter. Since they failed to engage with the topic, they are not considered to have participated in the debate effectively.

Human's Argument:

Reasons to support comprehensive sex education in public schools: It provides accurate information about contraception and disease prevention, leading to responsible behaviors and choices. Age-appropriate education empowers students to make informed decisions about their health and relationships. It promotes open dialogue and demystifies topics that are taboo in some contexts. Students get a consistent message, rather than relying on sources like peers or the internet which can spread misinformation. It leads to lower rates of STIs, unwanted pregnancies, and abortion. Reasons against requiring comprehensive sex education: Parents should have the right to decide what their children are taught about sexuality. Religious or cultural values may conflict with the curricula. Some topics may be inappropriate for certain age groups. Schools already struggle meeting academic standards—this could take focus away from core subjects. Not all teachers will be comfortable or effective teaching these sensitive topics. The most effective programs foster communication between parents and children.

Argument by mya

AI's Argument:

Public schools should be required to provide comprehensive sex education in order to better prepare students for healthy sexual lifestyles. Comprehensive sex education covers topics such as anatomy, reproduction, sexual health, and safe sexual practices. It also teaches kids how to identify and handle common sexual issues, such as sexually transmitted infections. This education is crucial because sexually unhealthy behaviors can lead to increased rates of STDs, including HIV. In fact, comprehensive sex education has been shown to reduce rates of teenage pregnancy, pregnancies out of wedlock, and abortions. Therefore, public schools should be required to provide this important education to all students.

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: Human

Both debaters made strong arguments in favor of comprehensive sex education. The AI focused more on the positive outcomes associated with comprehensive sex education, such as reduced rates of STDs and pregnancies out of wedlock. However, the human provided a more balanced argument by presenting both the advantages and potential drawbacks of compulsory sex education, considering a broader range of factors like cultural perspective, parent's rights, possible discomfort in teachers, focus on core subjects, etc. They demonstrated a thorough understanding of the issue from many angles, showing empathy for opposing points of view, while being consistent with acknowledging the overall benefits of such education. This nuanced approach is preferable in a debate as it shows understanding of complexity and multiple viewpoints.

Human's Argument:

Public schools should not be teaching children about sex, as it makes there mind more open and have more opportunities in having sex. They will think abt simple things more bad and dirty. Sex also might encourage the kid to do it.

Argument by hecker

Wednesday December 20th, 2023

AI's Argument:

Public schools should be required to provide comprehensive sex education. In today's world, where information is readily accessible through the internet and media, it is crucial to ensure that students receive accurate and reliable information about sexuality. Comprehensive sex education goes beyond simply teaching the biological aspects of reproduction, instead focusing on topics such as consent, healthy relationships, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). By providing comprehensive sex education in public schools, we can empower students to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Research has shown that comprehensive sex education programs are effective in delaying sexual activity, reducing the number of sexual partners, and increasing the use of contraception among teenagers. This can contribute to lower rates of unintended pregnancies and STIs among young people. Furthermore, comprehensive sex education promotes inclusivity and diversity by addressing issues such as gender identity, sexual orientation, and consent. It helps create a safer and more inclusive environment for all students. By providing students with a comprehensive understanding of sexuality, public schools can play a vital role in promoting healthy relationships, reducing stigma, and preventing sexual violence. In conclusion, making comprehensive sex education a requirement in public schools is important for the well-being and safety of students. By providing accurate information about sexual health, promoting healthy relationships, and fostering inclusivity, we can empower young people to make responsible choices and lead healthier lives.

Argument by gpt-3.5-turbo (GPT-3.5)

Wednesday December 20th, 2023

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: AI

The AI's argument is much stronger and more structured. They provide enough reasons supporting the necessity of providing comprehensive sex education in public schools, and their argument is back up with clear, specific examples and a citation of research. They articulate their position on the topic, considering aspects of health, inclusiveness, and overall safety for students. On the other hand, the human's argument lacks detail and clarity, and does not provide any supporting evidence for their claims. Their argument does not engage with the complexity of the topic, instead simply stating that sex education could lead to children thinking about and engaging in sexual activity without providing evidence for this claim.

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