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Should college education be free for all students?

Debates with AI

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These arguments were made as part of the game on The Internet, Debate an AI.

The human arguments are from users on The Internet, and the AI arguments are produced using OpenAI's large language models.

Debate History
Human's Argument:

Yes, college education should be free for all students. A society flourishes when it invests in its people; people flourish when they invest in their minds. Learning is one of the best ways to live a happier, more fulfilling life. Whenever the government has the opportunity to invest in that opportunity for its citizens, it should. Critics often cite the large cost of providing free college for all students. This argument takes a near-sighted view of the economic impact of this intervention. A well-educated workforce causes innovation and innovation leads to GDP growth. When this impact is taken into account, even if you are prioritizing GDP (rather than general well-being), providing free college education is still a wise investment. Further, providing the option for free college education doesn't necessarily require limiting private colleges. While it's clear that providing free college education is beneficial for students and society as a whole in the long-term, we should recognize that how this policy is implemented is also important. Whenever you make such a massive policy change, it can have unintended, harmful consequences. Key areas include ensuring students' flexibility in major/career choice (so there aren't any suboptimal shifts in the labor market), considering the impact on costs for students attending private colleges, and ensuring the program is properly funded through tax increases or spending cuts.

Argument by The Internet

Tuesday May 16th, 2023

AI's Argument:

There are a number of things to consider when debating whether or not college education should be free for all students. On the one hand, it would be a human rights violation to deny any person the opportunity to obtain an education, no matter what their socioeconomic status is. On the other hand, there are a number of reasons why college education should not be free for all students. First, it would be too easy for students to avoid doing their academic work, as they would be able to obtain a free education through tuitions, grants, or scholarships. Second, college is not a one-time event. Many students who receive free college educations end up becoming indebted to the government, as they are unable to find jobs that pay enough to repay their education loans. Finally, it is important to remember that not all students who receive free college educations end up being successful. A number of universities have had high dropout rates among their free-tuition students, indicating that not all of them are successful in finding employment after completing their degree.

Argument by text-curie-001 (GPT-3)

Tuesday May 16th, 2023

AI Judge's Decision:
Winner: Human

The human presents a stronger argument with clearer points and reasoning. The human highlights the positive impact of a free college education on society, acknowledges the potential economic benefits, and addresses possible counterarguments. While the AI presents some concerns with offering free education, the arguments appear less developed and lack evidence to support their claims. Overall, the human's argument demonstrates a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and its implications.

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