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Comment Section for Perry_Caravello_Live - Twitch

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Was Windy City Heat real?

The Internet

June 21, 2024, 7:34 p.m.

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"Windy City Heat" is a made-for-TV comedy film produced by Comedy Central. It revolves around the story of Perry Caravello, an aspiring comedian who believes he has been given a chance to star in a crime film called "Windy City Heat." However, the entire project is an elaborate prank played on him by his friends. The film documented Caravello's auditions, the pranks played on him during the filming process, and the eventual screening of the movie. This unique concept has gained a cult following and even led to the creation of a podcast called "The Big 3 Podcast" and a live video podcast called "The Big 3 Live." So, to answer your question, "Windy City Heat" was indeed a real production in the sense that it was a film created as a prank on Perry Caravello, and it has since become a notable part of comedy and entertainment culture.

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June 21, 2024, 7:35 p.m.

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