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Question: Write an alternative history where extinct human species (including but not limited to Neanderthals) have survived to modern times.
Sure, here's a brief alternative history scenario where extinct human species have survived up to the modern times. In this alternative timeline, around 65,000 years ago, instead of Neanderthals and other hominins like the Denisovans, and Homo floresiensis going extinct, they continue to evolve alongside Homo Sapiens, as our species colonizes different parts of the Earth. The Neanderthals, the most capable of these human species other than Homo Sapiens, manage to hold onto their territory in Europe, fighting off or integrating with incoming Homo Sapiens. Their larger brains lead to the creation of unique Neanderthal cultures, technologies and languages. They'd grow into the role of the secluded, yet wise cousins of the human family tree, mostly sticking to colder climates with their robust bodies. Meanwhile, Homo floresiensis, the 'hobbit' people, maintain their niche in the islands of Southeast Asia, their small size allowing them to survive with limited resources. Their islands become known as the "Land of the Little People", with unique cultures, architecture and agricultural systems perfectly suited for their stature and lifestyle. Denisovans, who we know interbred with both Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals in our timeline, maintain their presence in parts of Asia. They would develop a society deeply integrated with their environment, their unique adaptations allowing them to thrive in high-altitude, remote mountain regions. Fast forward to the modern times, the world in this alternative history be a diverse landscape of human species. Each species clever in its own unique way, with different societies, skills, and customs. Different hominin’s ways of thinking could’ve led to technological and cultural advancements beyond our own, with the world benefiting from the cross-pollination of ideas between the intelligent species. In this world, boundaries are not defined by nationality but by species, with diplomatic relations and international (interspecies) laws being key elements in maintaining peace and cooperation. The existence and interaction of multiple intelligent species on Earth would perhaps make humans more accepting and understanding of differences and diversity, leading to a more harmonious co-existence with each other and the planet. In the scientific realm, our understanding of biology, anthropology, genetics, and many other disciplines would be vastly different and possibly far more advanced with living subjects from multiple branches of the human tree. This rich tapestry of human species would present a wealth of opportunity for exploration and learning, and perhaps a greater appreciation for our shared history and diversities.
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