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Ask AI: Write a theoritical literature review on the impact of poor administration and teacher relationship on the students academic performance


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Question: Write a theoritical literature review on the impact of poor administration and teacher relationship on the students academic performance

Asked by Javoh

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Title: The Impact of Poor Administration-Teacher Relationship on Student's Academic Performance: A Literature Review Introduction The administration-teacher relationship is an integral aspect of any successful learning institution. It is a significant determinant of not only the school's overall atmosphere, but also directly affects student academic performance. The literature review analyses available evidence about the effects of the administration-teacher relationship and student performance. Overview of Administration-Teacher Relationship The administration-teacher relationship is based on constructive cooperation, mutual respect, and clear communication (Hulpia, Devos, Van Keer, 2011). Essentially, this relationship affects the school climate, which has a substantial impact on student performance (Leithwood, Anderson, 2017). Impact on Teacher Morale and Motivation Several literature sources cite that conflicts, distrust, or lack of support from administrators often result in decreased teacher morale and motivation (Boyd et al., 2011). Miaoulis & Michener (1976) noted that a constructive relationship could bolster teacher efficacy, fostering an environment conducive to effective teaching and learning. Effect on Teacher Turnover The quality of the administration-teacher relationship may affect teacher turnover rates, which consequently influences student academic performance (Simon & Johnson, 2015). Tickle, Chang, & Kim (2011) stated that lack of administrative support is a significant predictor of teacher turnover, disrupting continuity in learning for students. Impact on Classroom Environment The classroom environment directly influences student performance. Metz (1978) noted a positive administration-teacher relationship creates an encouraging and secure classroom atmosphere, fostering better student engagement. Effects on School Climate Grissom, Loeb & Master (2013) reported that a healthy relationship fosters an optimal school climate conducive to learning, subsequently boosting student academic performance. An antagonistic relationship leads to a harmful school climate, affecting the learning environment and student performance. Conclusion Given the evidence, a poor administration-teacher relationship is likely to negatively impact student academic performance. The effects are not just limited to student-teacher interaction but extend to teacher morale, motivation, turnover, and overall school climate. Hence, it is critical for educational institutions to foster and maintain healthy relationships between administrators and teachers to enhance the students' learning environment and academic performance. Future Research Further longitudinal studies would help us understand the long-term effects of poor administration-teacher relationships on students' academic performance across various educational settings worldwide. References - Boyd, D., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2011). 'The role of teacher quality in retention and hiring: Using applications-to-transfer to uncover preferences of teachers and schools.' - Grissom, J. A., Loeb, S., & Master, B. (2013). 'Effective Instructional Time Use for School Leaders: Longitudinal Evidence From Observations of Principals.' - Hulpia, H., Devos, G., & Van Keer, H. (2011). The Relation Between School Leadership From A Distributed Perspective And Teachers’ Organizational Commitment: Examining The Source Of The Leadership Function. - Leithwood, K., & Anderson, S. (2017). 'How school leaders contribute to student success.' - Metz, M. (1978). Classrooms and corridors: The crisis of authority in desegregated secondary schools. - Miaoulis, G., & Michener, R. (1976). An introduction to sampling. - Simon, N. S., & Johnson, S. M. (2015). 'Teacher turnover in high-poverty schools: What we know and can do.' - Tickle, B. R., Chang, M., & Kim, S. (2011). 'Administrative support and its mediating effect on US public school teachers.'

Answered by gpt-4

Nov. 6, 2023, 5:07 a.m.

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Published: Monday, November 6, 2023

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