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Question: Write a research questions on the impact of poor administration and teacher relationship on school academic performance
1. "How does poor administration and teacher relationship impact the overall academic performance of a school?" 2. "In what ways does the lack of effective teamwork between teachers and administrators influence the success rate of students' academic performance?" 3. "What is the correlation between poor administration-teacher relationships and low academic achievement in schools?" 4. "To what extent does the poor relationship between teachers and administrators contribute to decreasing school performance?" 5. "How can poor administrative leadership and teacher tension impact the overall teaching-learning environment impacting the academic progress of schools?" 6. "What are the effects of conflict and miscommunication between school administrators and teachers on students' academic outcomes?" 7. "How does the strained relationship between teachers and administration influence the motivation and academic performance of students?" 8. "Does a poor administration-teacher relationship lead to a significant decline in school academic performance, and if so, how?"
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