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Question: if an Arab man one day in Saudi Arabia he stopped an entire train with just one hand and remain unscathed and lifted it and threw it 100 feets above the ground with a video evidance through the station cams, but after his arrest he said that he was angry because of Liverpool lose 7-2 to Aston villa and abologized and said "I kept this strength a secret since my childhood, so I must confess I can literally lift more than 500000 tones , and I ....can destroy the earth with just a well concentrated punch to the planets core ". speculate the worlds reactions through 18 tweets in twiter.
1. #Arabman #SaudiArabia What?! He stopped a train with one hand and then threw it 100 feet?! Unreal. 2. That Arab man in #SaudiArabia went too far, how can a person possess so much strength and why would they use it in anger? 3. Wow, the #Arabman said he could lift 500,000 tonnes?! Whoa. 4. Did he really threaten to destroy the Earth with a punch? That's insane. #Arabman #SaudiArabia 5. Someone needs to stop this guy! The power he has is unimaginable. 6. Unbelievably, an #Arabman in #SaudiArabia used his strength to stop a train and then threw it 100 feet. What?! 7. How is an #Arabman in #SaudiArabia able to lift 500,000 tonnes? That's way too much strength for one person. 8. I can’t believe it. What kind of strength must the #Arabman have to stop a train with one hand and then throw it 100 feet? 9. Is the #Arabman really powerful enough to destroy the world with a punch to the planet's core? That's just crazy! 10. The #Arabman has to be stopped. Who know what he could do next?! 11. The #Arabman said his strength has been a secret since his childhood... should we be worried that he's been hiding something all this time? 12. I don't understand why the #Arabman thought his anger was a good excuse to use his strength to stop the train and throw it 100 feet. 13. This is a warning to all. An #Arabman in #SaudiArabia had the strength to stop a train with one hand and throw it 100 feet! Scary. 14. Stay safe, everyone. After the #Arabman was arrested he confessed he could lift 500,000 tonnes, and destroy the Earth with a punch! 15. An #Arabman in #SaudiArabia had the strength to stop a train with one hand and threw it 100 feet. No one anticipated this kind of strength. 16. This is unprecedented. How can an #Arabman in #SaudiArabia possess such strength? It's incredible and scary. 17. After being arrested, the
Jan. 6, 2023, 8:05 p.m.
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