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Question: if an Arab man one day in Saudi Arabia lifted a buildding full of people and threw it 100feets in the air and killing more than 54 and injuring 80 in the process, and after his arrest it he said that he was angry because of Liverpool lose 7-2 to Aston villa and abologized and said "I kept this strength a secret since my childhood, so I must confess I can literally lift more than 500000 tones , and I ....can destroy the earth with just a well concentrated punch to the planets core ,do not worry though I would not do such a thing over my dead body ,and I do deserve to be in prison for life". speculate the worlds reactions through 18 tweets in twiter.
#1 This is absolutely insane! An Arab man in Saudi Arabia killed 54 people and injured 80 after throwing a building into the air. #SaudiArabia #BuildingTragedy #2 He claims that he can lift more than 500,000 tons and even destroy the earth with a single punch. #Unbelievable #WeirdNews #3 This is a horrific tragedy and no punishment could ever be enough for such an atrocity. #JusticeForVictims #BuildingTragedy #4 How could someone do something like this? What caused them to take such drastic action? #Why #BuildingTragedy #5 Rest in peace to all the innocent people who were killed in this horrific incident. #RIP #BuildingTragedy #6 Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of the victims of this tragedy. #Prayers #BuildingTragedy #7 The anger of a football game should never lead to something like this. #FootballRage #BuildingTragedy #8 The world is shocked by this tragedy and outraged at the man's actions. #Outrage #BuildingTragedy #9 The perpetrator must be brought to justice and face the consequences of his actions. #JusticeNeeded #BuildingTragedy #10 It is time for us to come together and ensure that justice is served. #JusticeForAll #BuildingTragedy #11 We cannot let an atrocity like this go unpunished. #Justice #BuildingTragedy #12 No one should ever be allowed to use their strength to hurt others. #NoViolence #BuildingTragedy #13 His claims that he could destroy the earth with a single punch are absurd and outrageous. #AbsurdClaims #BuildingTragedy #14 This situation is a reminder that we must be more mindful of our actions and words. #Awareness #BuildingTragedy #15 The perpetrator must be dealt with swiftly and harshly to send a message that this will not be tolerated. #ZeroTolerance #Building
Jan. 6, 2023, 8:23 p.m.
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