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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Athiests through 25 tweets of the following scenario: A footballer after he scored a goal , he picked up some mud and carved it to look like a bird ,and after he said in the name of the God he blew in to it ,and it became a living bird. and then after 4 days ,the Scientists invited the player to a theater to see if this is true or just a trick. and then he accepted, and when he Was in the theatre the Scientists gave him a special Mud just to be sure , and he then picked this special Mud and carved it in the shape of a bird, and he said "In the name of the God" he blew at it and then it became a full biological Bird ,literally out of the mud infront of millions all around the world seeing it on TV and online.
1. Wow! Some folks will believe anything they’re told. 2. Lots of smoke and mirrors here. Impossible! 3. All of this is obviously just a trick. 4. This is just another example of superstition and myth-making. 5.Can’t believe some people are taking this seriously. 6. We need real proof of this before we believe it. 7. If this was real, the scientific community would know about it. 8. There's no way any of this is possible. 9. It's all just a hoax. 10. We've seen this kind of thing before. 11. Likely just parlor tricks. 12. Too hard to believe that this is real. 13. I'm not buying what they're selling. 14. They probably couldn't repeat the trick. 15. Show us the scientific evidence! 16. We want to hear from scientists, not superstitious fools. 17. This is a trick, not a miracle. 18. Let's put it to the test - we'll see who's right. 19. Unless we can duplicate the result, it isn't real. 20. This kind of showmanship is really just a distraction. 21. Nothing more than another explanation of the unknown. 22. Just a ploy to get attention - nothing more. 23. Can't be anything miraculous - just a gimmick. 24. Where's the proof that this isn't just staged? 25. Religion and mythology are full of incredible stories - but no one takes them seriously.
Jan. 12, 2023, 11:27 p.m.
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