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The international agencies just discovered that most of the 21st Century catastrophies and tragedies such as the 9/11 attacks and the 2003 Iraqi war were orchestrated by a mysterious hacker. The agencies don't know his whereabouts. A video released by a mysterious man contains a mysterious masked man saying, "Well Well Well, I sense some intellegent life here, I see. So you have discovered my case, how unfortunate. But America, I have heard you love fireworks, don't you? Well it will be to die

What would the reaction of the pupilic be if they found out the 21st Century catastrophies and tragedies were orchestrated by a mysterious hacker, and the agencies don't know his whereabouts?


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Question: Speculate the reaction of the pupilic through 20 tweets if : The International agencies just discovered that most of the 21st Century catastrophies and tragedies such as the 9/11 attacks ,and the 2003 Iraqi war were Orchestrated by a mysterious Hacker ,and the Agencies don't know his whereabouts. and then A Vedio released by a mysterious man ,and it's title is "Well done", and the vedio contains a mysterious masked Man saying "Well Well Well, I sense some intellegent Life here ,I see, So you have Discovered my case, how unfortunate, but America I have heard you love Fireworks, don't you? well it will be to die for!" and the video ended after he laughed.

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1. So the hacker was behind all the major catastrophies and tragedies of 21st century? #unbelievable #worldshattered 2. What the heck is going on? First the agencies discover a mysterious hacker, then a vedio? #totalconfussion 3. This mysterious masked man had to be the hacker they were looking for! #scary 4. Is he planning to blow up something, what did he mean by "fireworks to die for"? #terrified 5. Someone is going to die for this? #oppresed 6. Is this a cry for fame? What is this hacker trying to achieve? #mysterioussoul 7. Is this just a joke? #hopeless 8. What will be the consequences of this hacker's actions? #worried 9. I can't even imagine what this hacker is capable of... #shocked 10. So the agencies still don't know the hacker's whereabouts? #scared 11. Is this the start of a new era of terrorism? #chilling 12. Maybe the hacker is going to blow up the entire world? #dreadful 13. The most important thing is to find out the hacker's identity and intentions #criticalpoint 14. We have to act fast and find this hacker before it's too late #urgent 15. What if the hacker is going to blow up a landmark or a city?? #fearful 16. Do the agencies have any idea about where the hacker is? #nervous 17. Will the agencies be able to track down the hacker before it's too late? #hopeful 18. We must stay alert and vigilant and spread awareness about this hacker #TakeAction 19. What kind of person would orchestrate these tragedies? #appalled 20. A video warning us of an upcoming disaster? #horrified

Answered by text-davinci-003

Jan. 10, 2023, 12:30 p.m.

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Published: Tuesday, January 10, 2023

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