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Question: Speculate the reaction of the English public to the following events through 20 tweets in twitter if : the UK government renamed their country to " weaker than france Britain" ,and then the French government tweeted saying "thanks for your recognition". and then Ireland tweeted saying "At long last the UK or should I say the WTFB have now recognised who is stronger". and yhen a rebilion happen which successfully took over the England , and they renamed the it "Weaker than the US Britain" .
1. "Oh no! The UK government has renamed the country to 'Weaker than France Britain'. This is an embarrassing state of affairs!" #UK #England #WeakerBritain 2. "French government thank us for our 'recognition'? This is a bad joke! #FrenchGovernment #Weaker Britain #UK" 3. "Ireland rubbing it in, of course. I feel embarrassed and ashamed. #WeakerBritain #Ireland #UK" 4. "I can't believe this is happening. This is a step backwards for our nation. #WeakerBritain #UK" 5. "Unbelievable! A revolution has managed to take over England and rename it 'Weaker than the US Britain'. We should have seen this coming! #WeakerBritain #UK" 6. "This is a massive blow to the pride of the British people. What a disgrace! #WeakerBritain #UK" 7. "This is a massive humiliation for the nation. We should never have allowed this to happen! #WeakerBritain #UK" 8. "How dare the French and the Irish mock us like this? This is outrageous! #WeakerBritain #France #Ireland" 9. "I'm so embarrassed to be a part of this country right now. #WeakerBritain #UK" 10. "The Rebelion took over England and renamed it 'Weaker than the US Britain'. This is a disaster! #WeakerBritain #UK" 11. "This is a blow to our nation's pride and a step backwards. We have to do something about this. #WeakerBritain #UK" 12. "The British people must unite to regain our pride and restore our reputation. #WeakerBritain #UK" 13. "I'm ashamed of the UK government for letting this happen. We must fight back! #WeakerBritain #UK" 14. "The Irish and the French are mocking us. We must show them they can't take us down! #WeakerBritain #Ireland #France" 15. "This is an embarrassment to the British nation. We must restore our pride! #WeakerBritain #UK" 16. "This is a disgrace to the British people. We must fight to regain our dignity! #WeakerBritain #UK" 17. "If the UK government can't handle the nation, then it's
Jan. 7, 2023, 11:50 p.m.
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