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1. Pay Off Your Debt: If you have liabilities like a mortgage, car loan, student loans, or credit card debt, pay them off first. This would significantly improve your financial stability and offer you the chance to save or invest more. 2. Invest and Save: A significant part of your money should be put to work for you. You might want to invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds, etc. Also, remember to save for your retirement as well. 3. Emergency Fund: Keep aside a certain amount for unexpected expenses such as sudden repair work, medical emergencies or loss of income, etc. 4. Charity: If you're so inclined, donate a portion of your wealth to charity organizations. It's a good way to give back to the community and it could help make a difference in someone's life. 5. Create a Budget: Even with a million dollars, it's very easy to overspend. Create a budget to manage your expenditures, including mortgage payments, groceries, entertainment, travel, etc. 6. Enhance your Education and Skills: Furthering your education or learning new skills can significantly increase your earning potential and job satisfaction. 7. Travel: If you've always wanted to travel and see the world, this is the perfect opportunity to do so. 8. Legal and Financial Advice: Consider hiring an accountant or financial advisor to help you manage your finances. They can provide valuable advice on investments, real estate, tax planning, etc. 9. Health: Use some part of your wealth to maintain or improve your health. This can be physical health through regular adult preventive care, workouts, or mental health through programs like mindfulness or counseling. 10. Treat yourself: After securing your financial safety net, don't forget to enjoy your money somewhat. You could buy something nice for yourself or your loved ones, dine in a fancy restaurant, etc. Remember, how you would spend your million dollars should align with your personal goals and values.
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