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Question: Speculate the reaction of the Americans to these events detailed and in order through 17 of their tweets in twitter (especially to the Mysterious): a man released a video saying in Spanish "America have you ever heard of fireworks? it will happen too soon don't worry, and there is a hint and it's: don't forget to use your umbrella tomorrow because the radiation would be intense! hahahaha". then after one day a nuclear explosion happened in Los Angeles Killing more than 980000, and injuring more than 1.2 million people. then the man released another video , and he happened to be the famous football player Leonel Messi saying : "Oh God may they all rest in peace ,believe me I was just doing a prank! and I didn't even mean it to be a nuclear attack! I was about tell you that today ,but I too was shocked by the news!" , and then 8 nukes detonated killing more than 4 million this time in Boston ,Ohio ,Newyork and Miami. and then after a few days, 80 nukes detonated all over the USA kills more than 200 million, and the population of the United states reduced to 34 million, and then the government discovered that the bombs were the lost bombs which were here since the 1950s and they detonated because the nuclear had has been activated.
1. "Oh my goodness, a man released a video saying something about fireworks? What could that mean?! #Mysterious" 2. "This isn't a prank, it's a reality! So many people lost their lives due to the nuclear explosion in Los Angeles #Heartbreaking" 3. "So it was just a prank. But how can anyone recover from the aftermath of the nuclear explosion? #RIP" 4. "The news of 8 nukes detonating is too much to handle. Let's all stay strong in this hard time #PrayForThem" 5. "80 nukes!? Is this a nightmarish reality? How are we all going to survive this? #Scared" 6. "All of this happened because the bombs were lost since the 1950s and the nuclear had has been activated. We need to be more vigilant with military equipment! #Unexpected" 7. "We can't even begin to comprehend the loss of 200 million lives. Will we ever be able to move on from this tragedy? #NeverForget" 8. "The population of the United States reduced to 34 million due to the nukes. It's a heartbreaking reminder of what we have lost #Reflection" 9. "We can learn a lesson from this. We mustn't forget the importance of being more attentive and aware of the potential danger of military equipment. #NeverAgain" 10. "My heart goes out to each and every family who lost a loved one in this tragedy. Nothing can ever fill this gap. #Devastated" 11. "We must stay united in this terrible time and help each other survive. #UnitedWeStand" 12. "We must take time to grieve and honor the lives of those we have lost. #HonorThem" 13. "We have faced an immense tragedy, but we must continue to strive on. #Strength" 14. "The impact of this event will never be forgotten. #NeverForget" 15. "The loss we suffered is unbearable. We will do our best to continue in the face of pain and grief. #Hope" 16. "Let us always remember to be vigilant and cautious with military equipment. #BeAware" 17. "Let us never forget to always prepare for the unexpected. #StaySafe"
Jan. 7, 2023, 3:04 a.m.
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