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Question: speculate the reaction of the American public through 25 tweets through the following scenario: The US Government renamed the country to the "Westren Roman Empire". and then the Russian government also renamed their country, to the "Eastren Roman Empire".
1. #WestrenRomanEmpire? So we're just going to ignore the fact that this is a historically inaccurate name? 2. So the US Gov. decided to rename the US and Russia followed suit? I'm not sure how I feel about this. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 3. Can’t believe the US Gov. is gonna rename the country like this. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 4. Are our politicians living in an alternative universe? #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 5. Is the US Gov. trying to start a civil war or something? What are they thinking?! #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 6. I can’t believe what’s going on. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 7. Really not a fan of the name change. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 8. History buff over here who's completely outraged. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 9. This is an insult to our history. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 10. Ugh. Suddenly it's like the US Government doesn't care about accuracy anymore. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 11. Please don't let this catch on! #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 12. It's like the US Gov. didn't think this name change through. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 13. Can we get some common sense here please? #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 14. This is nuts. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 15. Just stop. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 16. This is a huge mistake. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 17. This ain't right. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 18. I'm completely against this name change. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 19. Unbelievable. #WestrenRomanEmpire #EastrenRomanEmpire 20. Really hope this change doesn't
Jan. 10, 2023, 7:36 a.m.
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