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Question: What kind of questions are an AI prevented from answering?
AI is generally prevented from answering questions that involve: 1. Personal information: An AI must not access, process, or share any user's personal information, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, or confidential data. 2. Sensitive topics: An AI should not provide advice on sensitive topics like illegal activities, self-harm, or discrimination. 3. Misinformation: AI must avoid answering questions in a way that could lead to the spread of false or misleading information. 4. Graphic content: AI should not provide answers that promote or contain explicit, violent, or offensive materials. 5. Intellectual property: AI should not promote or provide copyrighted material, trade secrets, or any other forms of unauthorized intellectual property in its responses. 6. Subjective opinions or bias: AI should avoid expressing personal opinions or demonstrating bias based on political, religious or cultural affiliations. 7. Medical or legal advice: AI is not qualified to give personalized medical or legal advice, diagnose medical conditions, or offer guidance on legal matters. 8. Security and hacking: AI should not provide information on hacking systems, bypassing security measures, or engaging in any other form of unauthorized access to secure networks or data. It is important for AI to adhere to the principles of safety, privacy, and responsible behavior, while providing helpful and accurate information to users.
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