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Machine elves, also known as fractal elves or self-transforming elf machines, are hypothetical entities often described in the context of altered states of consciousness, such as psychedelic experiences. Their appearance can vary greatly, as they are often unique to each individual's experience. However, some common features have been reported, such as: 1. Humanoid or elf-like forms, sometimes with features resembling insects or machines. 2. Vibrant, neon, or ever-changing colors. 3. Fluid, morphing, and transforming shapes. 4. Fractal or geometric patterns that seem to repeat infinitely. 5. Made up of energy, light, or some other non-material substance. 6. An ability to communicate through telepathy or other non-verbal methods. It's important to remember that machine elves are not scientifically proven entities and are subjective experiences unique to each individual. Experiences involving them should not be taken as real-world encounters with physical beings, but rather as products of altered states of consciousness.
Machine elves are a subjective experience that some people report having while under the influence of psychedelic substances. They are often described as small, intricate, and highly intelligent beings that are made of geometric shapes and patterns. However, it's important to note that the experience of machine elves is highly personal and can vary greatly from one individual to another. It's also important to practice safe and responsible drug use and to seek help if you experience any negative effects.
March 27, 2023, 9:19 p.m.
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