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Question: speculate the reaction of the world through 20 tweets of the the following scenario: the US government tweeted accidentally Saying "We control the UN ,so no Country can accuse if we killed millions".
1. The US government's tweet is an absolute disgrace! How can they get away with such blatant disregard for human life? #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 2. This is a reminder of how much power we hand to governments who do not represent our interests. We must fight for accountability. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 3. The US government's tweet shows a blatant disregard for human rights that cannot be ignored. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 4. This tweet demonstrates why we can't trust the US government to act in our best interests. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 5. How dare the US government claim that they control the UN & can cover-up the killing of millions? #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 6. The US government must be held accountable for its careless tweet & disregard for human life. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 7. This tweet reveals a very concerning attitude of the US government towards human rights. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 8. This outrageously irresponsible tweet by the US government cannot be ignored! #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 9. This cannot be allowed to stand. We must come together to challenge the US government for its abhorrent tweet! #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 10. This tweet is a clear demonstration of the US government's disregard for international law. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 11. We must demand justice for the millions of people who have been killed by the US government. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 12. Our governments must be held accountable for their actions & cannot hide behind the UN. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 13. This tweet is a dangerous reminder of what can happen if governments are allowed too much power. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 14. This tweet exposes the US government's willingness to ignore human life in pursuit of its own agenda. #USGoverment #UN #MillionKilled 15. It is unacceptable that the US government can act in such a callous manner and ignore international law. #USGoverment #UN #
Jan. 9, 2023, 7:24 a.m.
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