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Question: In spite of different interpretations of the concept of inclusion and how it is implemented in different contexts there are few commonalities that run across all varieties of inclusion which entails principles such as?
1. Respect for Diversity: No matter the interpretation of inclusion, all forms advocate for a respect for diversity. Everyone, regardless of their differences, deserves respect and appreciation for their unique contributions. 2. Equality of Opportunity: Inclusion also often involves maintaining equal opportunities for everyone, irrespective of their background, abilities, or personal attributes. Everyone is entitled to the same chances and should not be held back due to any conditions or factors they cannot control. 3. Participation and Engagement: All forms of inclusion acknowledge that everyone should have the opportunity to meaningfully participate and be fully engaged in social, academic, or professional settings. 4. Barrier Identification and Removal: Inclusion requires the identification and elimination of barriers to full and equal participation. Whether these are physical, communication-based, organizational, or attitudinal, efforts should be made to dismantle these barriers. 5. Individual Support: Providing individualized, personalized support is often a critical principle. This involves acknowledging and catering to an individual’s specific needs to ensure their inclusion and success. 6. Social Interaction: Inclusive environments often promote positive social interactions and relationships. This could involve creating opportunities for social interaction or putting practices in place that foster mutual respect and understanding. 7. Empowerment: Inclusion often involves a commitment to empowering each individual, giving them the confidence and capacity to take control of their own life and make their own decisions.
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