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Question: List then define the pre-linguistic and the adult-like language stages in language development. (4) 1.2 Explain the concept of emergent literacy and its significance in a learner's language development and highlight how emergent literacy lays the foundation for later reading and writing skills. (3) 1.3 Critically discuss the importance of the Grade R year in the acquisition of language skills and discuss how teachers and parents or caregivers play a crucial role in fostering language development during this period. (4) 1.4 Describe the typical milestones and progressions observed in language development during this period. (4) 1.5 Analyse TWO (2) challenges that may arise during language development in learners and identify strategies that can support and promote language acquisition in the classroom or home environment. (4) 1.6 Critically explain how teachers and parents or caregivers can effectively address language-related difficulties in the following TWO (2) environments. - Teachers (at school) - Parents or caregivers (at home) (6)
1.1. Pre-linguistic and adult-like language stages in language development: a) Pre-linguistic stage: This phase usually takes place between birth and approximately 12 months of age where babies use non-verbal forms of communication. They make sounds, gestures, and facial expressions to communicate. Crying, cooing, laughing, babbling are some typical forms of pre-linguistic behaviors. b) Adult-like language stage: This stage begins around 24 months and continues into adolescence. Here, children start using more complex sentences and speech patterns that mirror adult language. It's characterized by the rapid expansion of vocabulary, development of grammar and syntax rules, and improvement in pragmatic skills, which help children to use language appropriately in social contexts. 1.2. Emergent literacy is the process of learning pre-reading skills before actual reading and writing occur. It's critical because it builds the foundation for later reading and writing. During this phase, children start to understand that printed text carries a message, which helps them anticipate the basics of reading. They also develop fine motor skills needed for writing. Reading aloud, story enactment, alphabet games all promote emergent literacy. 1.3. The Grade R year is vital in language skill acquisition as it sets children on a path towards literacy. Teachers play a crucial role as facilitators of language and literacy, providing students with opportunities to experience language through songs, stories, and discussions. Parents or caregivers are instrumental in providing a rich language environment outside of school, helping to reinforce what the child has learnt at school. 1.4. Milestones in language development during the Grade R year might include understanding and using a greater range of vocabulary, forming more complex sentences, using language to express thoughts and feelings, beginning to understand sound-letter relationships, and developing storytelling skills. Progressions might include an increase in fluency and accuracy in language use. 1.5. Challenges in language development include Speech Sound Disorders - difficulty producing sounds correctly, and Language Disorders - difficulty understanding and using language. Classroom strategies could include the use of fun and engaging language activities while at-home strategies could include reading together often and talking to the child about what they're doing or seeing. 1.6. Teachers can effectively address language-related difficulties by incorporating targeted language activities into classroom lessons and using visual aids to support understanding. Parents or caregivers can support at home by providing a rich language environment, using language in everyday activities, and partnering with educators and speech-language therapists for additional support.
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