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Question: Please reference this work using Havard referencing Question 1 1.1. Learning Management Systems (LMS) LMS can be used to enhance the quality of teaching and learning because it allows teachers to manage educational material easy. Platforms like Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams can be used to have online classes or to assign work. Game Based Learning Game Based Learning can make learning fun because there are platforms like Quizizz that allow you to create quizzes which can make learning interactive and enjoyable for learners. Coding and Robotics Tools like Lego Mindstorms can be introduced to promote innovation because they teach students on how to problem solve and also how to be creative and innovative. Discussion Forum A discussion forum can be created for the quite and shy learners because they will use it to say what’s on their mind without feeling like other people are watching them. Question 2 2.1. a) Technical issues like software shutdown, network issues or hardware failure can occur at any time. b) Not all learners have access to technological devices and internet. c) Relying on technology too much can stand in the way of your learning and can also make it difficult for you to interact in a social space. 2.2. a) Regular maintenance and updates can be done to help lessen technical issues. And also advise learners to save their work in different places so that incase technical issues happen, they don’t lose their work. b) Schools can provide technological devices to students who don’t have access to them and the school can offer free data to learners that don’t have access to internet connection. c) Balancing technology with traditional teaching styles can help lessen the reliance on technology by learners and also doing activities that encourage the development of social skills is important. 2.3. No, technology cannot replace teachers because as much as it enhances teaching, it doesn’t have the personal and human touch that a teacher has. Teachers can understand what a learner needs, how they feel and their strengths and weaknesses, which is something technology cannot do. Teachers are able to motivate, inspire and guide learners. Teachers can also adapt learning to a learner’s pace and can also accommodate students who need to be taught in a way they will understand. However, technology can come in handy in helping to improve the teachers effectiveness.
Harvard Reference: User (2022) 'The Role and Impact of Technology in Education: Opportunities and Challenges', User's Unpublished Material, AI Model. Please note that the name "User" should be replaced with your real name. The year (2022) should be replaced with the actual year you've written this. "AI Model" means the platform where you've written this material. If it's a part of a larger piece of work like a report or a dissertation, replace "User's Unpublished Material, AI Model" with the title of that work and where it's published (e.g., University/ College name).
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