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Question: Use the simplified lesson plan template to plan a mock lesson for Grade R where you will use the DAILY PROGRAMME displayed in the classroom, to teach the concept of time. In your mock lesson plan, include pictures (in the space provided at the bottom of the template) to show the sequence of events as they happen every day
### Simplified Lesson Plan Template **Grade:** R (Kindergarten) **Subject:** Concept of Time **Lesson Title:** Understanding Daily Schedule and Time **Duration:** 30 minutes --- #### Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will understand the concept of time through daily routines. 2. Students will be able to sequence events in their daily schedule. 3. Students will become familiar with terms like 'morning,' 'afternoon,' and 'evening.' --- #### Materials Needed: - Daily Programme chart (displayed in the classroom) - Flashcards with pictures representing different parts of the day - Clock with movable hands (toy or real) --- #### Introduction (5 minutes): 1. **Welcome:** Greet the students and gather them around the Daily Programme chart. 2. **Engagement Activity:** Ask students what time they woke up and what they did right after. Discuss briefly about morning activities. --- #### Instruction (10 minutes): 1. **Introduce Time Concept:** Explain that time helps us know what to do and when to do it. Describe the terms 'morning,' 'afternoon,' and 'evening.' 2. **Daily Programme Review:** Go through the Daily Programme chart step-by-step. - **Morning Activities:** Breakfast, Circle time - **Mid-morning Activities:** Snack, Outdoor play - **Noon Activities:** Lunch, Nap time - **Afternoon Activities:** Story time, Craft activities 3. **Connecting Time with Activities:** Use a clock to show specific times. For example, show 9:00 AM for breakfast, 12:00 PM for lunch, etc. --- #### Guided Practice (10 minutes): 1. **Sequencing Activity:** Hand out flashcards with images representing daily activities. 2. **Group Activity:** In groups, have students arrange the flashcards in the correct order of their daily schedule. 3. **Discussion:** Discuss the sequence and correct if needed, reinforcing the concept of time and sequence. --- #### Conclusion (5 minutes): 1. **Review:** Go over the daily schedule one more time, re-emphasizing key points. 2. **Q&A:** Ask questions like “What do we do after lunch?” or “What activity happens in the morning?” 3. **Closing Activity:** Sing a simple song about the days of the week or daily activities to reinforce learning. --- #### Assessment: - **Observation:** Monitor students during the sequencing activity to ensure understanding. - **Oral Questions:** Ask individual students to name an activity and its corresponding time. --- #### Pictures (Sequence of Events): *Morning*:   *Mid-morning*:   *Noon*:   *Afternoon*:   (Note: Replace the URL links with actual images or icons that you'll be using during your lesson.) --- By following this simple, interactive lesson plan, you will help Grade R students understand the concept of time through their daily routine.
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